Living From The Heart
Living From The Heart is about meeting God
in every situation you've experienced,
from the earth-shaking to the day to day.
Applying MetaFormation principles
to your life story infuses it with purpose,
helping you understand how God is
leveraging everything that happens to you
to move you toward your destiny.
Living From The Heart
Together, we will dig into your life and discover the hand of God all over every aspect.
Through our training, you will learn how to lead others into seeing and meeting God in every circumstance (both wonderful and difficult).
In addition, you will learn powerful transformational coaching techniques that bring God's (Heaven's) perspective to difficult situations. Presented using an innovative mix of demonstration and debriefing, learning games, and hands-on practice,
this workshop shows how to cooperate with what God is doing so you may have the experience
"...that in all things God works for god for those who love, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
What you will learn:
See your life story rewritten from the perspective of eternity in our signature Taste of Heaven experience
Get to know the God who causes every experience to work for good
Learn The Calling Journey model and create a calling timeline to help you understand and interpret your own journey
Get amazing insights into how heaven works, and how it transforms our suffering into glory
Master a set of seven reframing tools for bringing heaven's perspective into any situation
3-1/2 day workshop
Heaven's Perspective Story interview and your rewritten story
100-page course manual
​Arts, music, brain science, learning games
Peer relationship, coaching and coach training
God encounters and more to explore the Jesus-model of transformation
8 weeks of peer team training and practice to enable you to implement what you've learned